Information about driving a car on La Gomera

Important information about rental cars and for drivers on La Gomera. Plus a few useful words and phrases in spanish.

Driving on La Gomera

The speed limit in towns on La Gomera is 50km/h, on country roads 90km/h.

Due to the frequent curves in the mountains, with some quite narrow streets, we generally recommend a careful and moderate driving style. You want to relax and unwind on vacation!

It is important to know that Gomeran drivers sometimes, when they slow down in the street or stop, for example before a pedestrian crossing, set the left blinker. This is an indication for the following vehicles.

Yellow lines on the street mean parking is prohibited. Often there are signs with additional information nearby.

On La Gomera wearing seatbelts on front and rear seats is obligatory and talking on a mobile phone whilst driving is prohibited.

The alcohol limit is 0.5 per mille.

Gas stations

Gasoline on the Canary Island is quite economic, especially compared with Middle Europe. Gas stations are in Valle Gran Rey, in Hermigua, in Vallehermoso, in Playa Santiago, in Chipude and in San Sebastian. On sundays and on holidays most gas stations are closed.

At the gas station in Chipude (Los Apartaderos) refuel is possible also outside the opening hours. Just ring the bell at the house, the owners live directly next to the gas station.

A few useful spanish words


coche – car
rueda – tire

On the road:

carretera – country road
cruce – junction
mirador – lookout point
ermita – church, chapel
barranco – ravine, valley
cumbre – mountain range
pista – path, track
bosque – forrest
montana – mountain
gasolinera – gas station, petrol station
gasolina – gasoline
gasoil – Diesel
sin plomo – unleaded
echar gasolina – refuel gasoline
¿Dónde hay una gasolinera? – Where is a gas station?
¡Lleno, por favor! – Fill up the tank, please.


¡Gracias! – Thanks.